Tags Generator

Data Collector Screenshot
Tags Generator Screenshot

Simple tool that generate tags for Tridium's supervisory system.

The Problem

In the projects they build, Tridium include a supervisory system. For each component in the project they need to create a .mne file with it's corresponding name and containing the variables it will use.

Not a big problem in smaller projects, I was asked for help once when they had to deliver a project with around 700 components. They said they would take days creating the ~700 configuration files.

Supervisory system Screenshot
Supervisory system screenshot: each red dot is a component that need configuration

The Solution

I built a simple tool that, given a .csv file containing a list of component names and corresponding id, generates the configuration files automatically according to an user defined template. (Will add an #ID tag and switch the $ symbol for the provided component name for each entry in the .csv file)

Technical Information

I choosed Python as the programming language because I tought the solution could be achieved in a simple script, and that it would save me time instead of configurating a java project.

For ease of use, I decided to make a visual interface with Tkinter and distributed the project as an .exe file (using pyinstaller).


This simple tool automates a repetitive and time consuming activity and reduces labor costs. Now my client can focus on making the things they excel at and get the most value of.